Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Mobile Commerce: PayPal in Stores

PayPal is making its move to be a payment option in-store. It has set up a demo showcase in a New York storefront to take visitors through different purchasing scenarios.

One example in the showcase has a customer buying a grill at a retail location, paying with PayPal and choosing to have it shipped to their home. Cool and hassle-free! I'd use that -- would you?
image courtesy of

PayPal says its technology envisions being part of the purchase decision by targeting a users location and displaying a local merchant ad.

All the details are a bit unclear at this stage of the game. It looks like the consumer will have a digital wallet with PayPal that is used to pay for goods. The wallet may even automatically keep track of loyalty program points from participating retailers.

More details will likely follow in the coming months as PayPal slowly rolls this out to a few merchants this fall, and up to 20 more in 2012.

Read the complete article here:

Mobile Commerce - PayPal dramatizes how it plans to get into stores - Internet Retailer

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