Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Social Media: Should You Be There?

In recent weeks, this question has come to me multiple times from my local, small business clients. Should I be on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.? Should I be participating in the whole Social Media craze?

My answer has always been, IF your customers are there, then it makes sense for your business to be there. Otherwise, don't bother. Let's face it, we all have many things we must do in a day. If there is no business purpose for you to be there and you're just following the latest trend, you'll be wasting time. And time = money!

Since it's a question so many of you have, I developed a one-page planning worksheet. You can use it to determine if it makes sense for your business to be in the social media world. If you're already there, you can use it as a tool to revisit and re-focus your efforts.

Get the free download on this page of my site:
Social Media Planning Worksheet

*adapted from Jay Baer's Social Media Strategy Worksheet, Convince & Convert

Ciao for now, Paula

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