Thursday, June 03, 2010

The Key to Making the Right Business Decisions

is FLEXIBILITY. I could relate to a recent blog post by David Bullock about the ever-changing business environment we live in today. He reminds us that technology is changing, customers are changing, and market demand is changing. How do we make the right decisions when changes happen so quickly.

In my business, Internet Marketing, some things change gradually while others things like Social Media change rapidly. How do I make the right decisions for my own business as well as my clients? BE FLEXIBLE.

I'm a planner and cautious by nature, so once I have a plan it's difficult for me to change on the fly - it creates stress for me. So working in the online environment has taught me to not hold too tightly to any one client or any one decision. More often than not, technology changes, customers change, market demand changes, goals change, etc. I have to learn to change with them. That's a challenge for me! Most of my business requires that I get to know a client's customers and business market. A great deal of effort and time goes into this process.

My best experiences have been when I have the opportunity to work long-term with small businesses. It helps me immerse myself into their target market and think like their customers do. That's the only way I can best serve them. But the catch? Most small businesses don't have the time or money to commit to such a relationship. So I must always be 'listening' to them to find out how I can best meet their needs and budget; it's a challenge!

If you are willing to share some thoughts with me about what you struggle with in your small business, it would be helpful for me. You can email me at marketyourbizonline[at] or simply post a comment at the end of this post. It will help me be more flexible when making my business decisions, which ultimately will help you, my customers/clients. :) Thanks, in advance, for your input!

Ciao, Paula

P.S. David's entire post on this subject  is brief and should only take a couple of minutes to read, but it's worth a look. Click here to read: Learning How to Make the Right Business Decisions.

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