Friday, April 16, 2010

iPad and Android and Buzz - oh my!

Ever want to go back to the simpler days of lions and tigers and bears?! (Wizard of Oz). I sure do! Getting to the Emerald City would have been a piece of cake compared to keeping up with today's technological advances.

The lightning fast updates to technology get my head a-spinnin'. While I think most of these devices are REALLY COOL, I get exhausted thinking about how I'm going to get up-to-speed. Or if I want to. And just what should I choose from the menu of mobile and portable devices? And HOW CONNECTED DO I REALLY WANT TO BE?! Can I justify it for business? Cuz I sure can't for personal use.

OK so I'm ranting a bit, but it is overwhelming for this middle-aged gal. [That was hard to type "middle-aged" - I don't feel it but I suppose it's what I really am :-)]. I still haven't mastered everything my old Samsung phone can do.

If you are a techie and have and love these new devices - you have a ton of options that can streamline and simplify business across the places you are online. Android and iPhone have a TON of applications that can let you do just about anything from your mobile device. I'm a Google user and they have been keeping up quite nicely giving easy access to your advertising accounts, maintaining your social accounts, blogs, etc. right from your mobile. Now that's what I need so when I want to be away from my office, I can still keep up with my emails and even make posts to my blog, Twitter and Facebook account with one quick update. Pretty awesome!

Now I just have to fork over the $'s for a device that can do all this (anywhere from $100 to $300), then pay for the required data plan (an easy $30 or more extra each month to my current plan price), and then figure out how to use it to connect to all of these accounts. You can bet I'll screw it up - just like the other day when somehow my previous blog updates began spitting out one right after the other to all of you on my subscriber list! Grrr - that's the downside I'm not fond of. But you know what? I'm sure it's USER ERROR and NOT the technology!

I hope this finds you embracing the new technology just a little bit. I also hope you have a terrific day! As always, if there is a question you have, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. Leave me a comment here or reply to the email you received about this blog update.

Ciao, Paula

P.S. Here's additional links to the details of what iPad, Android and Buzz are if you're really interested! :-)
iPad - tablet-sized computing device, developed by Apple, meant for internet browsing, media consumption and light content creation
Android - Google software for mobile devices that includes an operating system and key applications and games for Android devices
Buzz - Google social networking and messaging tool designed to integrate into the email program, GMail. Users can share links, photos, videos, status messages and comments organized in "conversations" and visible in the user's inbox.

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