Wednesday, December 07, 2011

In the Small Biz News

Check out the latest headlines in Small Business Internet News.

Privacy Data Systems launches new Service.
Free service to help individuals and business professionals to communicate easily and securely online.

John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing always has timely, applicable articles for small businesses. 5 ways Social Media can drive local business.

I love eye-tracking heatmaps that show what people are looking at on Web pages. It's always eye-opening. Here's an eye-tracking heatmap from that shows what users are looking at social media pages such as FaceBook. No surprise - images are powerful! It's interesting...worth a quick read.

Check out these 8 small biz social media tips from Social Media Examiner.

Need some help knowing what will motivate your employees? Here are 9 things that motivate employees more than money from

And last, but certainly not least, Marketing Profs top 5 marketing trends for 2012.

Ciao for now, Paula