Do You Rely on Independent Contractors?
As reported by on February 18, 2010, the IRS plans to audit 6,000 companies over the next three years in an effort to crack down on companies that erroneously classify employees as independent contractors. This made my ears prick up since all of the work I do for other businesses is done strictly on this basis. I did my review and find I'm in compliance.
Do you know the difference between an Employee and an Independent Contractor?
Here's 10 tips for business owners on the subject directly from the Web site. Check it out and be sure you are in compliance before you get audited!

As reported by on February 18, 2010, the IRS plans to audit 6,000 companies over the next three years in an effort to crack down on companies that erroneously classify employees as independent contractors. This made my ears prick up since all of the work I do for other businesses is done strictly on this basis. I did my review and find I'm in compliance.
Do you know the difference between an Employee and an Independent Contractor?
Here's 10 tips for business owners on the subject directly from the Web site. Check it out and be sure you are in compliance before you get audited!