Wednesday, February 24, 2010

IRS Plans to Audit 6,000 Companies Over Next 3 Years

Do You Rely on Independent Contractors?
As reported by on February 18, 2010, the IRS plans to audit 6,000 companies over the next three years in an effort to crack down on companies that erroneously classify employees as independent contractors. This made my ears prick up since all of the work I do for other businesses is done strictly on this basis. I did my review and find I'm in compliance.

Do you know the difference between an Employee and an Independent Contractor?
Here's 10 tips for business owners on the subject directly from the Web site. Check it out and be sure you are in compliance before you get audited!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Uncovering New Income Streams

I found a great tool from Michael Campbell. It's called "The Uncovery" and walks you through a brainstorming process that will help you identify your passions, skills and dreams. Then you further generate ideas to see where these might overlap into a profitable revenue stream. Really eye opening and a great way to get started thinking outside your box.

Be prepared to digest this away from your office, in a quiet spot where you can think without interruption. Grab your favorite beverage and let the ideas flow!

The document can be found on a site in my network. Click here to go there and read or download this great tool.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Five Areas of Planning You Need to Create a Successful Web site

This article by John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing hits the nail on the head. He succinctly puts all the elements together that you have to think about and plan for when you are building or rebuilding a Web site.

I fall into the category of the Marketer, of course, playing a role in each phase of the planning process. I often find myself in the position of educator, coordinator between all the personalities, go-between for the for Web site owner, and the ultimate marketing of the finished site. This is no small task and most small business owners really have not grasped how complex the process is. So whether you manage all 5 areas yourself  or outsource it, each is an important aspect of how it will all come together.

John references several resources within his article. I haven't had personal experience with all of them, so if you decide to use one please do so at your own risk and take time to find out if the source is a good fit for you and your business.

Read John's full article.